Abyss: The Shattered Lands This is where you can encounter a friendly race of Tigtaurs. Half tiger half horse. To gain access to the Tigtaur village, threaten them. They will refuse to let you enter unless you get mean with them. Provided you gained control of the Sun Seeker Gem, you can trade it for a magical item known as "The Horn of Summoning" It is capable of casting a Monster Summoning I spell an infinite number of times. Damn handy. Of course, there are reports that it is not working correct in version 1.0 or earlier of Destroy so I will have to check that out. Hold onto it though, items like this don't come along too often and may be a key in a future scenario for completing something special. (Hint Hint) The last chapters have order forms to cover Realmz and other Fantasoft, products. Well, as Forest Gump would say: “Thats all I have to say about that.” Tim Phillips Fantasoft, LLC Your Mac Fantasy Factory telephone: (608) 249-5418 E-Mail: Fantasoft1@aol.com